Stars & Cerevezas – What I’m reading
I’m hurtling along in an SUV, my eyes occasionally flicking up to survey the yellow roadside curb of the motorway and the lush bush of Mexico. I’m on the East coast heading for the airport at Cancun having stayed at Tulum for the last eight days. It’s beautiful here. The sea is calm, clear, the…
Read MoreSunshine & Anticipation – Something around the corner
There has always been something about the night out, the dinner, the birthday or the pending trip. Less the event itself, more the time prior to it that I love. Knowing something great is on its way, that thing you’ve planned to happen finally taking shape. In my case it’s a trip to the States…
Read MoreSnow – My first experience and why I love it.
I love it. Always have, which is odd because my first real recollection of it was probably at the late age of nine or ten. Going away with my parents, I want to say to the South Island of New Zealand, though it’s foggy. What I do recollect is pulling up to a snow-covered bank…
Read MoreArcade Machine – A love for the eighties.
I read a book the other day called ‘Ready Player One.’ A debut novel from Ernest Kline that I loved. My father put me on to it. He’s knows what he likes and to be fair, being retired, plows through something like three to four novels a week, so he knows when he’s found something…
Read MoreDiscipline – A lesson in being focused.
My time between blogs probably says it all. That word, above this paragraph, looks resolute. Hard. With it’s three i’s scanning the horizon for any sign of procrastination. I’ve got to be honest in saying that I’ve let it in. Choosing a vast array of things, that have stopped me from knocking out that all…
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