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Scott Butler was born in Blenheim, in the South (and much larger) Island of New Zealand. At the tender age of one, he decided to up sticks and move to the city. Auckland became home.
A part-time job at the local supermarket saw him through school and university, but he blew any surplus cash on arcade games, bad horror movies, books and LPs. So he left for London, where he worked in a pub and wandered aimlessly across Europe before returning home -“ still penniless.
He eventually got a proper job, and has now worked in the ad industry for twenty-three years, in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. His love of books and film inspired him to put pen to paper and fulfil his dream of writing his debut novel -“ Drive.
Scott’s a fan of the surf (though he can’t really do it), the snow, Vietnamese cuisine and Psychological thrillers. He lives in Auckland, New Zealand with his wife Lou, his two daughters, Zambezi and Cocolily, and their dog, Taika.