Content – They tell me its King.

Apparently it was Bill Gates back in ’96 that first said Content is King. The software that followed from Microsoft ensured that he was, well up until recently anyway. I’d argue that it’s more than that. These days it’s hard to say where content starts and finishes. It’s almost become The King, the Queen, their royal subjects and everybody that surrounds them. The digital age that we’re now deep in to, has all of us well and truly tooled up to access anything, almost anywhere, across multiple devices and platforms. If you can hit record, take a picture or put stylo to gorilla glass, you’re a contributor. Though know that you’re competing with just about everyone, which is why it needs to be good to be seen, read or heard.

Up until recently I’d thought Ryan Reynolds had lucked out when he married Scarlett Johansson. Let’s be honest, he had. I’d seen the Proposal, half of Green Lantern so thought we had a fresh face with a sense of humour that we’d seen in so many others before. Skip forward a few years, a marriage and this guy has come in to his own. To my mind, I’ve never seen anyone in film with a better handle on social, content in general, let alone a sense of sarcasm that seems fantastically fathomless. I mean how many actors have you heard of trolling themselves online? Having total belief in his Deadpool project and bank rolling his own small pilot via YouTube to get it done. Today I saw him in a Teaser for DP2 (yep -” intentionally wrong on so many levels), apologising to David Beckham for teasing him and his voice in his first movie, only to have Becks throw it back in his face for the crap he’s produced over the last few years. Yes, Green Lantern was on that list. His first Deadpool movie was good, the second will be an absolute runaway success because of the noise and fun he’s created around it.

How many times have you been told the book was better than the movie? Let’s flip that, the film better than the book? Not often I’m guessing. I’m biased, so its fair to say that I’ll always side with the author. How can you go past an idea created from nothing, versus an existing idea brought to life? I’ve never read the Handmaiden’s Tale by Margret Atwood, though I’m looking forward to doing just that. I’m confident it’ll be amazing, though I will say that the way this series has been shot, is absolutely stunning. It’s a focused, well thought out script that just keeps delivering the hard knocks around a character that couldn’t be anywhere but at the centre of everything.

Content right now seems overwhelming healthy. Though the platforms that support them have come into their own, primarily because there’s just so much to see, which means we need a trusted source for the good stuff. I hope to become one of yours. My latest book is all but done. I’ll take the long route with this one and will search for an agent and that all important platform.
